Cluster Bean


Cluster bean or guar bean is a popular staple in many parts of South Asia and has been cultivated for centuries in India. Botanically known as Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, the Cluster bean is a member of the Fabaceae bean family. Besides being a popular vegetable crop, cluster bean is also grown as a green cover crop for soil. Cluster beans are a rich dietary fiber, manganese, calcium, iron, and potassium source.

Cluster beans will grow well in well-drained loamy or sandy soil. Sow seeds at a depth of ½ inches in a sunny spot and cover with loosely packed soil. Cluster beans can also be planted in a 5-6 gallon container. The seeds should start germinating in 7-8 days under ideal conditions.

Leaf spotting and powdery mildew are the most common diseases affecting the plant. Cluster beans grow well in well-draining loamy and sandy soil with a pH of 7 to 8.

A sunny location that receives 5-6 hours of sunlight every day is very important for the growth of the cluster bean plant. The ideal soil temperature for germination of seeds ranges between 30 to 35℃. Moreover, the plant will thrive in the growing temperature ranging from 30 to 40℃.

Watering needs may vary depending on the season the cluster beans are sown in the garden. For instance, you may need to water once-twice every day during the summer and once every alternate day during the monsoon or autumn. Cluster bean pods will get to harvest in 60 to 70 days after sowing.

Variety Details

  • The maturity of the Plant is after 55-60 days of sowing.

  • The plant of Vijeta Cluster Beans (Guwar) Seeds are small and well-branched.

  • The pod size is 12-15 cm.

  • Cluster Beans (Guwar) Seeds plant has a Long pod size and it is big seeded. 

  • Attractive Green Colour